

By Iron Krill


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Charlie Garcia is a musician, composer, and producer from the greater Seattle area who explores various forms of metal including symphonic metal, metalcore, and melodic death metal.

In addition to being the mastermind behind local band Iron Krill, Charlie has produced, composed, or been featured in a number of unrelated projects. Hence, this site serves as a portfolio holding it all together.



In 2006, when a friend let him borrow an Underoath CD for a 4-day road trip, Charlie accidentally found himself listening to a new type of music he had never heard before. The passion, the melody, the urgency... it felt so different from what he thought he understood about music. He realized it was more than just something for people to listen to; it was a feeling that can be shared with others. He knew he had to make his own.

From the earliest days, picking up a guitar and "observing" the strange combination of sounds and emotions that could come out even before developing basic skills, it became clear in his mind that recordings and albums were his format of choice. He was fascinated by the idea that even defunct, anonymous, or amateur bands & musicians can still cause a seemingly random impact on others many years in the future or around the world.

And so as an untrained musician with a bedroom recording studio, Charlie started publishing as much as he could, sharing with a few friends and learning along the way. These early releases include vocals on Presentiment's "Looking Up" (2007), guitar on Decaying Lawn's "Fury of the Doorknobs" (2007), and full-length solo albums "Spark the Sullen World" (2008) and "Untold" (2009).

Eventually, Charlie's focus turned to Iron Krill, where he has served as its primary guitarist, vocalist, songwriter, and producer since its inception in late 2008. In addition to a tradition of playing a random show to a tiny crowd every year or two, the band has released full-length albums "Diagnosis" (2011) and "Prognosis" (2013), with "Treatment" scheduled for 2019.

With a full-time job and a home studio operation that eschews the typical process of “band” life, Charlie has searched for other ways to make an impact on the music world. Separate standalone project Iron Kitten explores the world of studio-only, female-fronted symphonic metal in its album “Passion and Vanity” (2018). Experimental releases like “Iron Penguin” (2016) test the waters in making music free of any writing process. Upcoming works include production/mixing of other musicians, the next Iron Krill album, an ambitious venture into 19 tone equal temperament, and more.

The plan is to finish more of these projects before this website will make as much sense. Until then, enjoy the sporadic bursts of music, the bonus features, the hidden archives...